Week 4

1. Make a 3D whale. Some suggestions; build it with lego, shape it with play dough, bake a biscuit whale, make a sock puppet, use origami, Tinkercad 3D modelling and print at school. When done make sure you take a picture to share it online at Padlet and bring it to school to show if you can. (Jessica.Z)

2. Imagine Pimmy and draw her. You can do this any way you please eg. MS Paint, ArtRage, a pen, a pencil, a crayon. Once you complete the draw please share it on our Google Slide - Pimmy the Pygmy (Hoyi)

3. Using the website link:  http://cooltext.com/ choose a characters name from the book and select an appropriate text to suit their personality. Paste these on the shared google slide -  Whale Pot Bay Wall of Fame.

4. Smartmine Whale Tracker

The SmartMine technology team at GeoEngineers works closely with our earth science experts to develop software products that help customers manage and visualize environmental data.

Dr. Robin Baird of Cascadia Research provided the whale data in this application, which lets you follow sperm, beaked, false killer, and pygmy killer whales as they migrate around the Hawaiian Islands. This data is part of Dr. Baird’s larger research project studying the movements and habitats of whales in this part of the Pacific Ocean.

Check out the website below:

(a) How many whales altogether are being tracked by this project? 
(b) The whales code names. Watch one whale for 4-5 minutes to see were it goes and how far it travels. Record its code name and how far it travelled.

5. We are in the middle of the story now. Do you have any questions you would like to ask the author. Please record them in the comments below. We will see if Des can respond. 


  1. my whale http://mrdoob.com/projects/voxels/#A/bhflYhYeYfaffSXYfYlYhYhShShShShShShShShafhYhYZekhhYhYeYfaffYfajXakhShShShShShShShShYfccfYhYhYhUhYfebfXShShShShShShShShShUhSfSfSfSfSfSfSfSfSfYocchUhckfUhcYfUhUhYodefkYcZjfUfYhYhUhUhYfYfYcYhYhUfYecifYfYfdmfdYeYeYecjjckhYfYfYfYfYfYfYeYhdibkYhYhddhcYkeahhSiShShSiShShSdScWhfShSiShShShShShSaWheUhWfhUhWfhUhWfhUhWfhUhWfhShWhfShWfhUhWfhUhcidYfUhUhchfcfichfUhehdhYhYiYfeeffYhefihYhYhYhedffYiYhcfhcffUhYfYjcdhShahfYhShahfShYecfhYhYhaffYiYfYeajhccbUhUhUhUhUheldfUhUhUhchdUhUhUhWdfUhUhUhWdfUhUhUhWdfUhUhUhWdfUhUhSfWhhWefUfUjWdfUhUhUhWdfUhUhUhWdfUhUhUheaeqYhYhYhYhUhYfYeYfYicehYhYhYhYhShUfShaffUhcffUhYfUfYfUhejfhYfYfYfWffYhYhYhYhShYfYfYfYfShYiYfYiYhecfdShShShahdShShShahdShShShahdShShShahdShShShachShUhehffShUhehffShUhehffShUhehffShUhcijYfYfYfYfYfYfYfYfemdfYfYfYfYfekhfYfYfYfYfakiYfYfYfcehYhYhYhYhYhYhcbfYfcfhcnfchhchhYWaoYSfSfSfSfSfSfSfafnYfYfYfYfakfYfYfYfYfYfSfYhYhYhYhYhSfYbYhakfYcSfafhSfSfSfahhSfahhSfahhSfahhSfahiSfSfbdkkSfSfYhahiSfSfafiTfbUhUhUhUhWefUhSfehfiUhYheefhUhShafeYfeihfSfSfahjYhYhadhShShafdYfYfcie

  2. Here is my whale

  3. This is my whale

    1. For stef


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here is my whale

  6. Here is my fail whale

    1. I think it's a great first go! :-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A):There are 22 whales being tracked.
    B):I watched whale number HlPc209 for 5 mins. This whale for the first minute or 2 went in circles so I am assuming the whale was rounding up it's prey and then it went straight through the middle of his circle. This makes me think the whale was diving into the middle to eat his prey. Then for the rest of the time the whale seemed to head up the coast of Napo'opo'o.

  8. I finished my drawing of whale and the name in cool text.

  9. A) There was 22 whales tracked.
    B) i watched HIPc204. I watched it and it was heading for Honolulu, and it travelled for about 78 m before stopping for a break maybe??

  10. a) 22 whales were tracked
    b) I watched HIPc351. Geez it was going so fast! It was heading to where the other whales were going then it started to head for Napo'opo'o the made a big turn and started heading the other way, it made a zig zag kinda lightning shape, a V shape was followed after that. I dont know how far it travelled, but it was a LOOONG WAY!

  11. My Whale :


  12. a) There are 22 whales being tracked with this project
    b) I watched HIPc351 I'm not sure how much it traveled though. All I know is that it traveled a very long way yet somehow going in a straight but is starting to zig zag

  13. My whale: http://mrdoob.com/projects/voxels/#A/ZhoSfSfaffYhYeSjSfYhaffYhSiXhfdYfShYhYhSfSfSfYfShYfSfaikYfYfYjSfSfSfSfSfYfYfYfYfShShShShShehhfShahfahhYfchhWffSfYfYfSfYhYhSfYeYhSfYhYhShShShShShadbYfShShShShShcihYiSfYfYfafhYfSfYhaffYhYhYhYhSfYfYdYhYhaefYhYhYhYhacfYhYhYhYhedhkSfSfSfYhShShShYhSfSfSffecfjYhYhYdShShShShShYhYhYhYhSfSfSfSfSfffifdYfYfUfYhYhaefUhYhUfYhUhaefYhYhUfYeYhWhfSfYfYiYhYceihkeffdYieehjYiXfnkYeYjcfhcdfUhZhfYjfeiccUhYhaffafhahhWhfcifaeeaeiaiiWhfaffYiaffWhhefehYiSeYefecahYmcehYfYfShYhYhfijmfadjSaadj

  14. my whale pic:


  15. a) There are 22 whales being tracked in this project.
    b) I followed HIPc217 for a bit and I am not sure how much it travelled but it was heading north in a straight line.

  16. a) 22 whales are tracked.
    b) I watched HIPc107 it first went up, then down, then up, that is kind of weird. Then something weirder happened, it started going through the island.

  17. My whale

  18. http://mrdoob.com/projects/voxels/#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
