Week 10

Final Week 
Think of  your top 2 questions for Des Hunt about Whale Pot Bay. Think very carefully because some of you will be chosen to talk with Des Hunt and get your questions answered in person via Skype. Record your questions below in the comments with your name beside the question.

Looking forward to seeing your final doodles


  1. cool???? i guess

  2. Question 1 : What made you write Whale Pot Bay
    Question 2 : What is your favorite part from Whale Pot Bay

  3. Q1. where do you get your ideas from?
    Q2. If you would be on of the people in the story who would you be?

  4. BTW that comment above was from me faiza.

  5. Q1.What first inspired you to be an amazing writer?
    Q2.When did you first start writing books that then got out in the public?

  6. Q1. Did you write whale pot bay because you wanted a story that would feature a whale? Why do you say this or if not why did you write whale pot bay?
    Q2. If you were to chose one of the characters in whale pot bay to represent you, who would you chose and why?

  7. Q.1 What inspired you to write Whale pot Bay?

    Q.2 Are any of your characters related to someone or something?

  8. Here is my 3rd question: Do you support an animal welfare organisation of some sort, if you do, did that have an impact on what you planned to happen in Whale Pot Bay?

  9. Q1.Does the whale in whale pot bay remind you of someone or something.

  10. Question 1 ) why did you choose a pygmy sperm whale not other whales?
    question 2 ) when did you make the book whale pot bay?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Q.1) What inspired you to have whales in this particular story?
    Q.2) If you could improve/ change anything from Whale Pot Bay, what extra things would you add?

  14. Q.1 Who was your favourite author when you were young, what type of story do you like the best? (mystery, adventure).

    Q.2 Did you put any famous quotes or any other quotes in your story? (Whale Pot Bay)

  15. Q.1 Would you improve anything in whale pot bay, or add or minus or take out chararcters

  16. Q1 Where did you get the idea of pimi?

    Q2 Where did you get the idea of whale pot bay?

  17. Q1 Where did you get the idea of pimi?

    Q2 Where did you get the idea of whale pot bay?

  18. Q.1 Is it hard JUST to make one character?
    Q.2 Where have you got the characters ?

  19. Q.1 How did you get the idea for the last bit of Whale Pot Bay?

    1. Q.2 Is Whale Pot Bay something that you remember of your childhood? Or did you get the idea of the whole story in your head?

  20. Q1. How much of the story is real?

  21. Q2. What made you come up with the idea of WPB?

  22. Q.1 Have any of the scenes of the story become reality before?
    Q.2 Have you ever had a real whale friend before?
